Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Signs You Are In Urgent Need Of Roof Repair

As a homeowner, it is important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that your properties are well kept, fully functioning, and not damaged. It is also important to note that for every device, property, accessories, etc. that you possess, scheduled maintenance is a must.

Why? Improper schedule è undetected signs/issues è emergency repairs è additional cost on repair.

Roof maintenance is as easy as: 

  • Checking an attic for any leaks
  • Looking at the roof for cracks and crevices
  • Climb on top of your roof and check for chimney flashing and damaged shingles
You see? This isn’t difficult at all. If you don’t find any sign immediately, schedule maintenance and take a closer look on your next search.
So how can you identify that your roof needs repair? Well, you can’t solve a problem without detecting the cause of the problem. It’s simple! Identifying the symptoms quickly will save you a great deal in the future. Now, what are the signs that you are in urgent need of roof repair?

  • Roof age
  • Leaks
  • Rotting
  • Blistering
  • Traces of mold
Roof Age

Experts have made it clear that a roof should have a life expectancy of 20 – 25 years. At this age, there will be signs that you should replace it. Mind you, this sign has nothing to do with maintenance. No matter how well you maintain a roof, when it is older than 20 years, chances are you will need a new roof.


You are right to say that leak is the greatest threat to roofs. Ordinarily, leaky roofs can be tricky to detect. A handy trick is to look at spots that are vulnerable to have leaks. Roof vents, vent pipes, connectors to the attic/roof, vent pipes, are most likely parts to take in water. You don’t want the situation to get so terrible that you start collecting rain in a bucket before you reach out to a roofing contractor. If the roof is indeed leaking, then you need to call in an expert for emergency roof repair.

Rot is a process of decay that causes the roof to become physically weaker. It is a sign that your roof is absorbing too much moisture. If you see rot on your roof, then know that you are in need of an emergency roof repair. The extent of repair totally depends on the severity of the damage. Whether you need roof replacement or repair, an experienced roof contractor will provide recommendations.


Blistering is a flaw that results when the shingles in the roof have trapped moisture. When this happens, then it is not providing you the required protection that you need. When you observe this sign, quickly notify an expert roof contractor.

Traces of Mold

If you discover that your roofing material has been infected with molds, then you need to call an expert roof contractor. Ignoring this sign could have devastating health effects, especially for patients with respiratory disorders.
Are you in need of a roof repair and installation? Paletz Roofing is an elite roofing company which specializes in residential and commercial roofing. We are a reliable and fast working roofing company in South Florida. Get a quote from us today!